the team

Olivia pettigrew

In 2020 Olivia (Liv) graduated from the University of Dayton with a degree in graphic design. Upon graduating, an interest in ministry led her to completing a year of service with Mercy Volunteer Corps. There she worked as a spiritual care assistant with the pastoral care department at a hospital in Cincinnati.

She now works to empower young adults as a mindset coach, while at the same time staying true to her design roots by heading up the creative force behind Deum de Deo Apparel Co.

“Art has the ability to speak to us in ways words can’t. I’m passionate about creating things that urge viewers to contemplate deeper truths about themselves and question their ultimate purpose. Deum de Deo is my attempt to communicate, connect with, and empower others through a visual means.”

— Liv (Co-Owner and Lead Designer at Deum de Deo)

Becket Pettigrew

As a current Sophomore at Clemson University (Clemson, SC), Becket is studying Marketing with the hopes of continuing his own entrepreneurial ventures in the future. 

Becket’s affinity for fashion and pop culture figures led him to joining his sister Olivia in Deum de Deo Apparel.

“My faith means everything to me, especially as I take on the new challenge of collegiate life. I seek to start an important conversation through our clothing. Questioning purpose in our limited time on Earth is fundamental, yet it occurs very infrequently. Showcasing the beauty of religious artwork and creating interaction is the first step to spreading the good news.”

— Becket (Co-Owner and Marketing Specialist at Deum de Deo)